
[List] Daftar Drama Taiwan 2013

  Drama Taiwan di tahun 2013 kemarin gak kalah menarik loh dibanding Kdrama dan Jdorama. TWdrama yang dulu sempat merajai Asia dengan drama-nya yang berjudul Meteor Garden, Ternyata masih exist dan cerita-ceritanya juga gak kalah seru. Hanya saja memang sudah jarang disiarkan di TV lokal aja. Tapi apa aja yaa TWdrama yang hadir selama 2013? Yuk disimak!

Title: Three Exits To Love / 幸福街第3號出口 (On Going)
Cast: 竇智孔, 李維維, 姚元浩
Release Date: 2013-11-25

世間情 2013drama
Title: 世間情 (on going)
Cast: 謝承均, 李燕
Release Date: 2013-11-21
Marry or Not 2013drama
Title: Marry or Not / 結婚好嗎
Cast: 修杰楷, 天心
Release Date: 2013-11-19
Kiss Me Mom 2013drama
Title: Kiss Me Mom / 媽, 親一下! (On Going)
Cast: 柯有倫, 蔡旻佑, 夏于喬
Release Date: 2013-11-15
Love For All The Moments 2013drama
Title: Love For All The Moments / 愛情ATM (On Going)
Cast: 丁春誠, 劉品言, 鄒承恩
Release Date: 2013-11-10
In A Good Way 2013drama
Title: In A Good Way / 我的自由年代 (On Going)
Cast: 翁滋蔓, 李國毅, 任容萱
Release Date: 2013-11-15
Love Family 2013drama
Title: Love Family / 有愛一家人 (On Going)
Cast: 宥勝, 房思瑜, 周曉涵
Release Date: 2013-10-29
dejavu 2013drama
Title: Deja Vu / 回到愛以前 (On Going)
Cast: 姚元浩, 魏蔓, 王思平
Release Date: 2013-11-03
The Pursuit of Happiness 2013drama
Title: The Pursuit of Happiness / 愛的生存之道 (On Going)
Cast: 隋棠, 楊祐寧
Release Date: 2013-10-11
goldendad 2013drama
Title: Golden Dad / 金牌老爸 (On Going)
Cast: 屈中恆, 方芳
Release Date: 2013-09-08
boyscanfly 2013drama
Title: Boys Can Fly / 刺蝟男孩 (On Going)
Cast: 李佳穎, 何以奇
Release Date: 2013-08-31
thequeen 2013drama
Title: The Queen / 女王的誕生 (On Going)
Cast: 孫耀威, 楊謹華
Release Date: 2013-09-08
Prince of Lanling 2013drama
Title: Prince of Lanling / 蘭陵王 (On Going)
Cast: 馮紹峰, 林依晨, 陳曉東
Release Date: 2013-08-14
Flowers In Fog 2013drama
Title: Flowers In Fog / 花非花霧非霧 (On Going)
Cast: 朱鎮模, 林心如, 李晟, 張睿
Release Date: 2013-08-06
IUUI 2013drama
Title: IUUI / 我愛你愛你愛我 (On going)
Cast: 劉以豪, 王樂妍
Release Date: 2013-08-11
dragon gate 2013drama
Title: Dragon Gate / 飛越龍門客棧 (On Going)
Cast: 陳怡蓉, 柯佳嬿, 王陽明
Release Date: 2013-07-26
second life 2013drama
Title: Second Life / 幸福選擇題 (On Going)
Cast: 謝坤達, 王心凌, 修杰楷
Release Date: 2013-07-23
pmam 2013drama
Title: PMAM (On Going)
Cast: 修杰楷, 小煜, 王思平
Release Date: 2013-07-17
backlight lover 2013drama
Title: Backlight Lovers / 逆光青春
Cast: 陳澤耀. 黃姵嘉
Release Date: 2013-07-11
K.O. One Re act 2013drama
Title: K.O. One Re-act / 終極一班3 (On Going)
Cast: 汪東城, 曾沛慈
Release Date: 2013-07-06
a good wife 2013drama
Title: A Good Wife / 親愛的 我愛上別人了(On Going)
Cast: 天心, 李銘順
Release Date: 2013-06-28
just you 2013drama
Title: Just You / 就是要你愛上我 (On Going)
Cast: 炎亞綸, 郭雪芙
Release Date: 2013-06-21
love touch 2013drama
Title: Love Touch / 我愛幸運七 (On Going)
Cast: 辰亦儒, 蔡黃汝
Release Date: 2013-06-09
Love Around 2013drama
Title: Love Around / 真愛黑白配 (On Going)
Cast: 胡宇威, 陳庭妮
Release Date: 2013-06-09
Love SOS 2013drama
Title: Love SOS / 愛情急整室
Cast: 陳曉東, 簡嫚書
Release Date: 2013-06-09
Amour et P%C3%A2tisserie 2013drama
Title: Amour et Patisserie / 沒有名字的甜點店
Cast: 張榕容, 劉以豪, 修杰楷
Release Date: 2013-06-01
Fabulous Boys 2013drama
Title: Fabulous Boys / 原來是美男
Cast: 汪東城, 程予希
Release Date: 2013-05-12
Love in the Sunshine 2013drama
Title: Love in the Sunshine / 愛在陽光下
Cast: 潘儀君, 楊慶煌
Release Date: 2013-04-01
Dandelion Love 2013drama
Title: Dandelion Love / 幸福蒲公英
Cast: 曾愷玹, 唐禹哲
Release Date: 2013-04-08
Flavor of Life 2013drama
Title: Flavor of Life / 含笑食堂 (On Going)
Cast: 龍劭華, 苗可麗
Release Date: 2013-03-29
Bad Boys Diary 2013drama
Title: Bad Boys’ Diary / 惡男日記
Cast: 張書豪, 懷秋, 王思平
Release Date: 2013-03-03
two father 2013drama
Title: Two Fathers / 兩個爸爸
Cast: 楊一展, 賴雅妍, 林佑威
Release Date: 2013-03-26
true love 365 2013drama
Title: True Love 365 / 求愛365
Cast: 曾之喬, 張睿家, 戴君竹
Release Date: 2013-03-08
happy 300 days 2013drama
Title: Happy 300 Days / 遇見幸福300天
Cast: 王傳一, 陳怡蓉, 謝坤達
Release Date: 2013-03-08
A Hint Of You 2013drama
Title: A Hint Of You / 美味的想念
Cast: 張勛傑, 李千娜, 唐禹哲
Release Date: 2013-03-06
borrow your love 2013drama
Title: Borrow Ur Love / 借用一下你的愛
Cast: 朱芯儀, 郭品超, 施易男
Release Date: 2013-03-03
Big Red Riding Hood 2013drama
Title: Big Red Riding Hood / 大紅帽與小野狼
Cast: 姚元浩, 楊謹華
Release Date: 2013-02-28
kloversong 2013drama
Title: K Song Lover / K歌·情人·夢
Cast: 范逸臣, 許慧欣, 張棟樑
Release Date: 2013-02-24
the dangerous city 2013drama
Title: The Dangerous City / 城市?獵人
Cast: 林慶台, 夏禕
Release Date: 2013-02-16
 spring love 2013drama
Title: Spring Love / 美人龍湯
Cast: 賀軍翔, 大元, 佐藤麻衣
Release Date: 2013-01-27
King Flower 2013drama
Title: King Flower / 金大花的華麗冒險
Cast: Nikki Hsieh, James Wen
Release Date: 2013-01-06

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